Sunday, February 2, 2014

PARWAT PUBLIC SCHOOL, Haldwani (Gaulapar) was established in 2005

Academics Parwat Public School, offers the students in its fold a unique opportunity to develop an all rounded personality through the multi-faceted curriculum offered and sufficient facilities to excel in various spheres. The School, which has classes from I to VIII prepares students for the examinations conducted by the School Council.  Religious and moral education forms an integral part of the curriculum. Daily prayers conducted in accordance with the tradition of  India, as a corporate act of worship, form the compulsory part of the curriculum. This educational institution is an English Medium, but the School lays emphasis on Hindi also. The subjects offered are English, Hindi, History, Geography, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology,Computer Science, Sociology and Art.

Aims and Objectives

To provide a sound education designed to train its pupils for the world of tomorrow, imbued with the zeal and spirit of service. The school strives to develop the whole personality (body, mind and spirit) of the pupils in an ambience of freedom and personal responsibility

Our Goal

The goal of our educational endeavour is 'Fullness of Life' for all especially the marginalized, the rural poor and the girls, through an integrated formation, in partnership with God to build his Kingdom.

Contact Us

Address -          Vill- Devla Malla,
                         Gaulapar, Haldwani
                         Dist- Nainital

Phone-              +91- 8958725678, +91-8393969555
Office Hours-    Summer- 8.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
                         Winter-    9.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.

No school work will be transacted on Holidays.

The usual time for seeing the Principal is from 11.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m. on class days or by appointment.